2020 - Volume 39 [Issue 25]

Original Research Article

Calibration Validation and Evaluation of CERES Maize Model under Temperate Conditions of Kashmir, Using DSSAT 4.7

Asma Fayaz, B. Ahmad Lone, . Shilpa, Sameera Qayoom, N. A. Dar, Z. A. Dar, Faisal Rasool, Sandeep Kumar, N. S. Khuroo, P. Singh, Najma Andrabi

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530883

Page: 1-7

Opportunities and Constraints Faced by the Rural Shital Pati Weaver for Sustainable Livelihood

Biman Maity, Tarun Kumar Das, Victor Sarkar, Kshouni Das, Ankur Adhikary, Kausik Pradhan, Bablu Ganguly

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530888

Page: 85-90

Auditing and Analysis of Energy Consumption of a Hostel Building

B. S. Madhusudan, Sreeharsha Vandavasi, B. S. Nataraja, G. Gopi

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530884

Page: 8-18

Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for ‘Yield Contributing’ Traits in Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.)

Digvijay Singh, Ajay Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Satish Kumar Singh, Nitesh Kushwaha, Tushar Arun Mohanty

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530889

Page: 91-99

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Based on Agro-Morphological Traits

Tushar Arun Mohanty, Umesh Kumar Singh, Satish Kumar Singh, Digvijay Singh, Nitesh Kushwaha

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530890

Page: 100-107

Efficacy of Microwave Heating Parameters on Physical Properties of Extracted Oil from Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)

Sachin ., Vijay Kumar Singh, M. K. Garg, Amarjit Kalra, Sushant Bhardwaj, Parveen ., Rajender Kumar, Yadvika ., Sunil Kumar, Nitin Kumar, Arun Kumar Attkan, Anil Panghal, Deepak Kumar

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530892

Page: 126-136

Integrated Nitrogen Management in Yield, Uptake and Quality Parameters of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) under Red Lateritic Soils of Odisha

Subhashree Behera, Gayatri Sahu, Poonam Preeti Pradhan, Gour Hari Santra

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530893

Page: 137-142

Performance of Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks with Rice Husk Ash

P. Asha, K. Johnson, C. M. Sachin, V. Vetrivel, E. Prasanna

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530894

Page: 143-153

Review Article

Sustaining Crop Production in Rainfed Areas in India: Issues and Strategies

Raj Singh, Anchal Dass, V. K. Singh

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530895

Page: 154-173

Brassinosteroids: A Multifunctional Phytohormone of Plant Development and Stress Responses

Jannela Praveena, Satyanarayan Dash, Laxmipreeya Behera, Gyana Ranjan Rout

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/v39i2530896

Page: 174-196

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