2024 - Volume 43 [Issue 11]

Systematic Review Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Natural Intracanal Medicaments in Endodontic Management of Permanent Teeth: A Systematic Review of In-vivo Studies

Subikshaa, Rathna Piriyanga, Geeth Deepika, Nivashini GSV, Anand Sherwood

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114439

Page: 1-12

Short Research Article

Barriers to the Use of Equipment Design Methods in West Africa

Bagnaba Hubert, Bationo Frédéric

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114441

Page: 21-29

Original Research Article

Impact of Agroecological Practices on Fertility of Hydromorphic Soils for Sweet Potato Cultivation in the South Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso

Alain P.K. GOMGNIMBOU, Abdramane SANON, DEMBELE Basirou, David Alexander CARROLL II, Hassan B. NACRO

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114440

Page: 13-20

Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Agroforestry Systems in Togo

Pana Kadanga, Atti Tchabi, Komlan Adigninou Ablede, Etienne Blaise M’BOUMBA, Komivi Exonam Ametefe, Moubarak Kondow

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114442

Page: 30-44

Cassava-to-Attiéké Transformation: A Diagnosis Study in Banfora, Bobo Dioulasso and Ouagadougou

SAWADOGO Kalizeta, YE Siédouba Georges, LINGANI Abdel Kader Hounsouho, KAM Sié

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114445

Page: 68-79

Design and Experimental Study of a Hemispherical Solar Cooker: Application to Food Cooking

Bouto Kossi Imbga, Ladifata Mogmenga, Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice Ky, Kaloukri Ouena, Sié Kam

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114446

Page: 80-93

Assessment of Safety Programmes on Employee Productivity in the Oil and Gas Industry in the Niger Delta Area, Nigeria

Sala, Lazarus Tsado, Nwaogazie, Ify L., Ugbebor, John N.

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114447

Page: 94-102

Design and Performance Assessment of an Energy-Efficient, Self-Contained Electric Fireplace for Sustainable Home Heating

David Farid Gildas Adamon, Djonoumawou Mèmèvêgni Grâce Floriane Chidikofan, Comlan Gildas Tohouenou

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114448

Page: 103-118

Effect of Socio-demographic Factors and Comorbidities on Schizophrenia Patients Adherence to Treatment in a Primary Care Unit

Alicia Vazquez-Martinez, Daniel Lopez-Hernandez, Leticia Brito-Aranda, Emmanuel Melgarejo-Estefan, Alaina Mariana Castro-Diaz, Luis Beltran-Lagunes, Abraham Espinoza-Perdomo, Maria del Carmen Ham-Olvera, Edgar Cruz-Aviles, Guadalupe Jacqueline Flores-Morales, Rocio Liliana Jimenez-Hernandez

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114449

Page: 119-129

A Case Study of Black oil PVT Modelling with Differential Liberation Expansion (DLE) Analysis and Standing Correlations

Peter Sydney APRIOKU, Godsday Idanegbe USIABULU, Ifeanyi Eddy OKOH, Idorenyin Isim UBOH, Prisca KANEBI

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114450

Page: 130-140

Traceability Strategy for Dried Mango Production Units: A Study in Côte d'Ivoire

Soumahoro Souleymane, Anon Attoh Hyacinthe, Kouame Maimouna Liliane, Guede Seri Serge

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114451

Page: 141-153

The Relationship between Eczema and Asthma Control among Atopic and Non-atopic Patients

Dasun Priyawardhana, Omar Toro, Peter Ch’en, Sunit Jariwala

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114452

Page: 154-166

Review Article

Graph Databases: Revolutionizing Database Design and Data Analysis

Hawzheen Mohammed Ali Baqal, Mashkhal Abdalwahid Sidiq

DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2024/v43i114443

Page: 45-56

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