Exploring the Landscape of Web Data Mining: An In-depth Research Analysis

Laxmi Choudhary *

Computer Science, Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad, India.

Shashank Swami

Department of Computer Science, Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The exponential growth of Web services and Web-based applications has led to an enormous volume of data, providing a rich source for mining valuable insights. Web mining differs from traditional data mining due to the unique nature of the data it handles. Web data exists in diverse forms, including web server logs, news pages, and hyperlinks. As the usage of the internet continues to surge, web mining has become essential to extract meaningful information and patterns from these varied data sources. Traditional data mining methods may not be directly applicable to web data due to its unstructured and heterogeneous nature. Web server logs contain valuable information about user interactions, click-streams, and user preferences, which can be mined to understand user behavior and improve website performance. News pages and other forms of web content are valuable sources for sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and information retrieval, helping businesses and researchers gain insights into public opinions and trends. Additionally, web structure mining deals with the analysis of hyperlinks, enabling the discovery of relationships between web pages and identifying authoritative sources. The continuous growth of web-based data necessitates the use of specialized methods in web mining to effectively extract knowledge and valuable patterns. Researchers and practitioners in this field are constantly exploring innovative techniques to make sense of the vast amount of data available on the World Wide Web. The paper provides web mining techniques on web data and presenting the latest advancements, researchers and practitioners can gain insights into the state of the field and identify potential areas for further exploration. This paper also reports the comparisons and summary of various methods of web data mining with applications, which gives the overview of development in research and some important
research issues.

Keywords: Information retrieval, semantic web, text mining, web crawling, web mining, web content mining, web data mining, web structure mining, web usage mining

How to Cite

Choudhary , Laxmi, and Shashank Swami. 2023. “Exploring the Landscape of Web Data Mining: An In-Depth Research Analysis”. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 42 (24):32-42. https://doi.org/10.9734/cjast/2023/v42i244179.